2007 NFACC Animal Care and Welfare Conference

September 20 - 21, 2007

The conference organizing committee would like to thank all the attendees and expert speakers for making NFACC's 1st farm animal care and welfare conference a success.  Thank You!

Speaker presentations available in PDF:

Jackie Wepruk, NFACC Coordinator, Overview of NFACC, current activities and future direction, highlighting current status of Code of Practice Development in Canada.

Cornelius Rhein, Legislative Officer - Animal Welfare, SANCO, Health and Consumer Protection, European Commission, The European Union approach to farm animal care & welfare: overview of the Community Action Plan on the Protection and Welfare of Animals.

Jean-Marc Bèche, National Federation of Dairy Producers – France, A European animal agriculture sector perspective and response to farm animal care& welfare concerns.

Dr. John Webster, Professor Emeritus, University of Bristol, UK, The EU’s Welfare Quality project and the challenges faced in developing animal welfare assessment strategies.

Dr. David Bayvel, Chair of the OIE’s Animal Welfare Working Group, The OIE’s Animal Welfare Working Group: activities in farm animal welfare and future plans

Dr. Janice Swanson Director of Animal Welfare, Michigan State University, An overview of farm animal care & welfare approaches taken in the United States.

Terry Williams,Director Quality Systems and Food Solutions, McDonald’s Restaurants of Canada Ltd., A food service perspective on farm animal welfare developments and future directions.

Dr. Mike Siemens, Beef Program Development Director, Cargill Beef, A beef processor perspective on farm animal welfare developments and future directions.

Crystal Mackay, Manager, Ontario Farm Animal Council and Dr. Terry Church, Chair, Alberta Farm Animal Care Association, The role of provincial farm animal care councils in extension, research, collaboration and raising the bar.

Shelagh MacDonald, Program Director, Canadian Federation of Humane Societies, The animal welfare movement in Canada: role and future direction.

Catherine Scovil, Executive Secretary, CPC, An industry approach on farm animal care & welfare: the Canadian Pork Council.

David Trus, Animal Industry Division, Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada, The Canadian federal government perspective on farm animal welfare: future policy to address animal care & welfare.

Geneviève Benard, CFIA Humane Transportation of Animals Program Specialist, The Health of Animals Act

Dr. Dennis Will, CFIA National Specialist Humane Treatment of Animals, The Meat Inspection Act.

Hugh Coghill, Acting Chief Inspector, Ontario SPCA, The Criminal Code, Cruelty to Animals provisions.

Mike Draper, Inspector, Ontario Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, The provincial approach to animal welfare legislation.

Dr. Dan Weary, University of British Columbia, Reconciling different views on farm animal welfare.

Dr. John Webster, University of Bristol, UK, Trends in farm animal welfare science, ethics and values.

NFACC appreciates the participation of its sponsors in this conference