Chickens, Turkeys and Breeders


The Code of Practice for the Care and Handling of Hatching Eggs, Breeders, Chickens and Turkeys was released in 2016. An update to this Code was initiated in 2023.

Please note that content in the transportation section of this Code, along with additional transportation-related content (e.g., glossary terms) that had referenced or reflected the outdated version of Part XII (Transport of Animals) in the Health of Animal Regulations (HAR), or the now archived Compromised Animals Policy, has been updated to align with the amended regulations, which took effect on February 20, 2020. Hard copies of the Codes that were printed prior to this alignment will not include these updates. For clarity, Codes that have been updated will include a statement on the front cover that reads “Alignment with Part XII (Transport of Animals) of the Health of Animals Regulations: 2021”.

This update process was strictly aimed at revising existing text that no longer aligned with the amended HAR. Every effort was made to respect the original priorities and decisions of the Code Development Committee (e.g., text from the HAR was not added if it was not covered in the original Code). In case of a discrepancy between the hard copy and online version of a Code, the online version shall take precedence.

There are various ways to view the Code:

There are a limited number of hard copies of this Code. NFACC encourages use of the electronic version and does not store hard copies. If hard copies are required, please contact the Canadian Hatching Egg Producers, Chicken Farmers of Canada or Turkey Farmers of Canada.

Other resources:

Table of Contents

Section 1 Personnel Knowledge and Skills
Section 2 Hatcheries
Section 3 Housing and Environment
Section 4 Feed and Water
Section 5 Flock Health Management
Section 6 Husbandry Practices
Section 7 Transportation
Section 8 Euthanasia
Section 9 Mass Depopulation
 Appendix A- Sample Bird Welfare Policy
 Appendix B - Methods of Euthanasia
 Appendix C - Recommended Feeder and Drinker Spaces for Broiler Chickens
 Appendix D - Recommended Feeder and Drinker Spaces for Turkeys
 Appendix E - Management Practices to Transition to Day-Night (Diurnal) Lighting Programs
 Appendix F - Producer Self-Quarantine Protocol
 Appendix G - Sample Emergency Contact Template
 Appendix H - Humidex Guidelines for Loading Poultry
 Appendix I - Example Euthanasia Decision Guidance
 Appendix J - Timely Euthanasia of Chicks/Poults
 Appendix K - Resources for Further Information
 Appendix L - Participants
 Appendix M - Summary of Code Requirements

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