Beef Cattle 5-year Code Review

The beef cattle Code was released in 2013.  A 5-year review was completed by a Code Technical Panel in 2018.  

The Code Technical Panel’s recommendation for the beef cattle Code of Practice is: Code be reaffirmed.

*Proposed timeline for a Code update: April 2023.

Comments from the Code Technical Panel

The CTP recommends that the Code be reaffirmed. From a resource and logistics standpoint, the CTP believed that the best time to address any challenges or potential changes to the Code would be during a full update rather than through the amendment process. The CTP acknowledged the resource constraints and logistical challenges NFACC will deal with when updating roughly 5 different Codes of Practices at their 10 year mark beginning in 2023 and believed that NFACC and its members are best served if these updates are strategically staggered. The CTP recommends that the Beef Code be one of the first priority species from the 2013 group to update its Code and suggested that April 2023, when a new agriculture policy funding framework is launched, would be an ideal time to initiate the update process. The CTP are optimistic that the next Code update will be a much quicker and resource efficient process as there will be a much smaller time gap between the updates and there will (hopefully) be many familiar faces around the Code development table.