Pig Code Scientists' Committee Report

The Scientists’ Committee report for the Pig Code is now complete. This peer-reviewed report provides a review of scientific research related to the priority welfare issues selected as part of the Pig Code process. The report serves to present the latest findings on the key issues and is used to inform the discussions of the Pig Code Development Committee.

A draft of the Code is expected to be ready for public comment early in 2013.

Key points regarding the Scientists’ Committee report:

  1. The report focuses on research conclusions; it does not make recommendations because science tells us what “is” but does not tell us what “ought to be.” These value-based decisions reside with the Code Development Committee, whose multi-stakeholder composition allows for broad discussions of what is possible, when it is possible and how it is possible. Codes have to balance many important considerations. Codes serve as our national understanding of animal care requirements and recommended practices; they must on the one hand be scientifically informed, but also practical and reflect societal expectations for responsible farm animal care.
  2. A major challenge in addressing animal welfare is the diverse viewpoints about what precisely defines animal welfare and a good quality of life. The report is based on a definition of welfare that encompasses three aspects of welfare: biological functioning such as health and productivity; affective states such as, pain, fear and contentment; and natural behaviour such as the ability to perform behaviours important to the animal.
  3. Click here for the priority pig welfare issues reviewed by the Scientists’ Committee.

The Code Development Committee is addressing these topics within the Code, along with many others that impact the care and welfare of pigs.

The Pig Scientists’ Committee includes world-renowned researchers and experts in pig welfare.